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Title [Asan Today] “Hope for Korea! Chungcheong Region Vision Rally for the Harmonious Unification of the Nation”
Date 2017-06-22 Hit 8329
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[Asan Today]

“Let us open a new era of a unified Korea through true love for the sake of others!”

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification holds the “Hope for Korea! Chungcheong Region Vision Rally for the Harmonious Unification of the Nation”

The adoption of declarations that reaffirmed their resolution of the harmonious unification ofthe people for overcoming domestic and international crises

Under the supervision of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), the “Hope for Korea! Vision Rallies for the Harmonious Unification of the Nation Executive Committee” (Vision Rallies Executive Committee, with Central Committee President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu) held the “Hope for Korea! Chungcheong Region Vision Rally for the Harmonious Unification of the Nation” (Chungcheong Region Vision Rally) at Sun Moon University’s gymnasium and outdoor space, located in Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, under the topic, “Let us open a new era of a unified Korea through true love for the sake of others!” on June 4. The Chungcheong Region Vision Rally marked the finale of the regional vision rallies held by the Vision Rallies Executive Committee.

According to FFWPU, following North Korea’s fourth nuclear experiments last year January, with the UN’s resolution, the international society enforced strict sanctions against North Korea. However, this brought about tensions between the U.S. and China regarding THAAD deployments. North Korea then took advantage of this opportunity and carried out its fifth nuclear experiments, as well as frequent armed provocation exercises. Given these circumstances, the Korean Peninsula has become a matter of grave concern to the international community.

In the midst of facing such an international crisis, the political gap caused by a climate of impeachment, as well as the opposition and division surrounding the impeachment and arrest of the previous president, have implanted distrust in the government and left a large scar in the people’s hearts. Not only was national security at risk, but also Korea’s economy was in a grave situation. Korea’s economy was mired in unemployment, a consumption cliff and slow growth. Political polarization further intensified in 2017, and now Korea is critical situation with seemingly no way out.

This Chungcheong Region Vision Rally was organized to seek a proposal to overcome the domestic and international crises Korea is facing in this period with the recent 19th president’s inauguration, as well as a place for providing national awareness education in preparation for the rapidly approaching era of a unified Korea through the harmony of its people. At this Chungcheong Region Vision Rally, it is estimated by the host that there were over 8,000 people were in attendance, including most notably Vision Rally Executive Committee Central Committee Chairman Kyeung-Seuk Ryu, National Assembly member Myeong-Su Lee of the Liberty Korea Party, National Assembly member Hun-Shik Gang of the Democratic Party of Korea, Daejeon Metropolitan Council Vice-Chairman In-Ho Hwang, Sun Moon University President Sun-Jo Hwang, Cheonbulsa Temple Head Monk Bu-Bul Seok, Chungnam Newspaper Representative Director Gwang-Hee Yun, former National Assembly member Jin-Yeong Kim, former Chungcheongnam-do Regional Council Chairman Jae-Bong Kim, former Chungcheongnam-do Regional Council Chairman Bok-Gu Lee, former Chungcheongbuk-do Administrative Office member Dae-Su Han, former Daejeon Metropolitan City Honorary Mayor Jeong-Oh Lee, former Daejeon Health Institute of Technology President Sang-Gui Lee, leaders from politics, the economy, the press, religion and education, as well as FFWPU members. 

These people gathered together with the purpose of going forth in seeking proposals for overcoming the domestic and international crises Korea is facing, and in preparing for the rapidly approaching era of a unified Korea through the harmony of South Korea. In addition, in celebration of this event, leaders from the Chungcheong region, including Chungcheongnam-do Governor Hwi-Jeong Ahn, Chuncehongbuk-do Governor Shi-Jong Lee, Chuncheongnam-do Regional Council Chairman Seok-Wu Yun, Chuncheongnam-do Seocheon-gun Governor Bak-Nae Noh, National Assembly members Jin-Seok Jeong and Deok-Heum Park of the Liberty Korea Party sent congratulatory messages.


Vision Rallies Executive Committee Central Committee President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu’s Keynote Address

Upon diagnosing the critical situation Korea is facing, including the Korean Peninsula security crisis, conflict surrounding THAAD deployments, communication problems caused by ideology and generation gaps, and intensifying political polarization, Central Committee President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu emphasized the following: “This is a time when we will boldly part ourselves from yesterday’s outdated concepts, habits and behaviors, and go forth with the ideal of creating a new history that is better than that of now.”

President Ryu continued and expressed his aching heart. “Humankind has brought about many wars, and even now at various places in the world we still point our weapons mercilessly at each other. We have been unable to escape from the boundaries of our own obstinacy. We must reflect on how must pain our Creator God is in when seeing the current state of humankind.” Through this, President Ryu testified to the life of Founders Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who devoted their entire lives toward solving these difficult problems of our time and for realizing a peaceful, ideal world.

In addition, President Ryu provided explanations regarding the five main policies that the FFWPU has been moving forward with from the time it held the “Hope Dream Conference” last year, including the expansion of God’s tribal messiahs, continual cultivation of future leaders, the realization of family communities, putting values into practice in daily life and religious culture, as well as the realization of peace on the Korea Peninsula. President Ryu then stated, “These are the core keys that will allows us to solve Korea’s pending problems. The FFWPU will perform its role as the people’s religion through implementing these policies.”

After emphasizing that “This is the time in which we must expand the culture of shimjung through practicing a life lived for the sake of others centering on the original mind, put away with all opposition and hostility towards each other, and practice true love for the sake of peace on the Korean Peninsula,” President Ryu expressed, “Through ‘Hope for Korea! Vision Rallies for the Harmonious Unification of the Nation,’ and practicing true love for the sake of others with FFWPU, let us invest our efforts in opening ‘The Era of One Korea,’ a new hope for the Korean Peninsula.”


The program for this Chungcheong Region Vision Rally was commenced through various cultural opening performances, opening remarks given by the Vision Rally Executive Committee Central Committee Vice-Chairman Gil-Lam Park as the host, the Pledge of Allegiance, introduction of VIPs, the welcoming address given by Chungcheong Region Vision Rally Executive Committee Co-Chairman In-Yeong Song, the congratulatory address given by Sun Moon University President Sun-Jo Hwang, watching a video called, “The Path Towards Harmony and Unification, Through True Love for the Sake of Others,” the keynote address given by Vision Rally Executive Committee Central Committee Chairman Kyeung-Seuk Ryu, the adoption of declarations for harmonious unification and three cheers of Eog Mansei given led by Chungcheong Region Executive Committee Co-Chairman Yun-Ho Og.

As part of his congratulatory address, Sun Moon University President Sun-Jo Hwang stated, “Rev. and Mrs. Moon have clear explained the mindset that we must have for each era, and they have led the way this nation and its people must go forth on. With the fourth industrial revolution underway, in this era of uncertainty of cultural transitions, Rev. and Mrs. Moon is leading us by providing the three tasks we must perform. ‘Firstly, we must go forth centering on God in order to realize everlasting peace. Secondly, we must find a new economic model that goes beyond the 40-year free economic system. Thirdly, we must achieve harmony and unification in this age of confusion and uncertainty.’” President Hwang then congratulated the successful hosting of this vision rally that provided a new hope and vision.

Following President Hwang’s congratulatory address, representative celebratory messages that were sent by people of various fields were read aloud. After expressing her thanks to this vision rally host Central Committee Chairman Kyeung-Seuk Ryu and relevant officials, Chungcheongnam-do Governor Hwi-Jeong Ahn expressed her support. “You have presented us with the righteous and hopeful future of Korea that must go towards, and I sincerely request for you to go forth together with us henceforth in making a world peace system.” Chungcheongbuk-do Governor Shi-Jong Lee stated, “I have no doubt that this event will become an opportunity in which we can go forth towards overcoming conflicts and opposition in Korea and a future in which we have become one.” Governor Lee the congratulated the successful hosting of this vision rally and hoped for the best for the FFWPU.


The adoption of declarations for the harmonious unification of the nation

At this rally, held with the meaning of expressing one’s determination and resolution, participating leaders and citizens from various fields including politics, religion, academia and NGO’s, rose to the stage and adopted and signed the declarations for the harmonious unification of the nation for overcoming the domestic and international crises Korea is facing. Representatives from each field, including Central Committee President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu, National Assembly member Hun-Shik Gang of the Liberty Korea Party, Sun Moon University President Sun-Jo Hwang, Chungcheong Region Vision Rally Co-Chairmen In-Yeong Song, Yun-Ho Og, and Myeong-Che Lee, Daejeon Metropolitan Council Vice-Chairman In-Ho Hwang, Cheonbulsa Temple Head Monk Bu-Bul Seok, former Chungcheongnam-do Regional Council Chairman Jae-Bong Kim, UPF Chungcheongnam-do Branch Chairman Yong-Og Jo, former Chungcheongbuk-do Regional Council Vice-Chairman Dae-Shik Shin, and Chungcheongbuk-do Peace Ambassador Council Chairman Dae-Su Han.

Meanwhile, Founders Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon have initiated various activities for realizing peace on the Korean Peninsula. From the 1960’s to 1970’s, they carried out the Victory Over Communism (VOC) movement to prevent war from breaking out on the Korean Peninsula and to form a national movement to fight against Communism. In addition, in the midst of the communization of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam in early 1975, they held the “World Rally for Korean Freedom” at the Yeouido Plaza, with over 120,000 people in attendance, uniting the Korean people, and presenting the directions and mission location assignments throughout the world, while displaying their outstanding abilities for the security of our homeland.

In addition, Rev. and Mrs. Moon have not only progressed with economic cooperation and exchange between North and South Korea, they have also performed a key role in relieving tensions on the Korean Peninsula, which is currently facing a crisis caused by the development of nuclear weapons. They met with Premier Kim Il-Sung, and through the “World Peace Summit Conference,” they actively sent former heads of states to Pyeongyang, and demanded for Kim Il-Sung to suspend all nuclear development and to cooperate for establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula.

Marking the beginning with the Seoul Incheon Gyeonggi-do

Gangwon-do Combined Metropolitan Region Rally (held at the KINTEX in Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do) on April 30, these Vision Rallies were held with great success on May 14 at the Yongnam Region Rally (at the BEXCO (Busan Exhibition and Convention Center), May 28 at the Honam Region Rally (at the Kim Dae-Jung Convention Center in Gwangju), June 3 at the Youth and Students Rally (at Imjingak, in Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do), June 4 at the Chungcheong Region Rally (at Sun Moon University, located in Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do), across the five main regions of Korea. Following these Vision Rallies, the national awareness education training program will be implemented for 2.1 million people across ­-si ∙ -gun ∙ -gu, and -eub ∙ -myeon ∙ -dong

administrative divisions in preparation for an age of a unified Korea, along with the initiation of various movements that patriotic citizens may participate together in..... [See the original story]

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