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Title Tongil Group Hope and Dream Salary Round-Off 2016 Sponsorship Multicultural Youth Career Path Success Camp Held
Date 2017-01-14 Hit 3958
File 20161229170122_140.jpg [178kb]

As one of the sponsored programs of the Tongil Group Hope and Dream Salary Round-Off Fund, the 2016 Multicultural Youth Career Path Success Camp took place on the 14th floor of the Tongil Foundation building, from the 27th of December, 2016, over two days, with 58 multicultural youths from 34 areas across the country attending. This camp was supervised by the Truelove Peace School, an education institute for multicultural adolescents outside of public schools, and took place with the sponsored funds from the Tongil Group Hope and Dream Salary Round-Off program.

The opening ceremony was held in the Council Chamber on the 14th floor of the Tongil Foundation, in Mapo, Seoul. In his opening address, the principal of the Truelove Peace School, In-Chun Hwang, shared his strength by saying, “It is okay if you don’t have a dream right now. Growth comes with pain. Do not be discouraged by failure and breakdown.” Tongil Group Secretary General, Sun-Pyo Hong, delivered a message by saying, “The Tongil Group has company cultures that are meant for better values,” and encouraged the participants by telling a story that if one changes his thoughts and behavior, eventually their habits and destiny will also change.

Career Model Design

                                 Inhwa Chuncheon GMP Factory Field Trip

Segye Times Production Field Trip

  Yong Pyong Resort Special Lecture and Skiing Experience

The participants (1) designed their career model through a vocational interest inventory; and (2) visited the Tongil Group, the Segye Times, the Ilhwa GMP Chuncheon Factory and Yong Pyong Resort, listening to special lectures on careers by faculty members; (3) Skiing at Yong Pyong Resort turned out to be a great memory, and by (4) creating and presenting a bucket list during January, 2017, for one month, at the “Career Search Result Presentation and Scholarship Delivery Ceremony,” the career models of the multicultural youths are to be materialized.

The 2016 Tongil Group Salary Round-Off Fund program not only selected the “Career Seeking for Multicultural Youths with the Tongil Group” program (15,000,000 won), but also selected four other programs through an on and offline vote by the Tongil Group members and members of the public, including “Family Camp Support for Multicultural Children with Disabilities” (20,000,000 won), “Communication Program with Multicultural Children in Adolescence” by the Daegu branch of the Multicultural Welfare Center (4,000,000 won) and the “Gift Support for Children in Orphanages on Children’s Day” by the Aehyang Child Welfare Center (4,000,000 won).

The Tongil Group donated 25,000,000 won in 2013, 35,000,000 won in 2014 (40,000,000 won donation separately) and 41,000,000 won in 2015, bringing a total amount of 143,000,000 won of donations by the round-offs of the salaries of faculty members. Up until now through the Hope and Dream Salary Round-Off, the support of medical fees for multicultural families, industrial sewing machines for social enterprise “Hope Apparel” and soccer gear for the Cheonghae Multicultural Children’s soccer team, which formed in 2013, the support of medical fees for multicultural families, as well as support for child heads of households, senior citizens living alone and support for premature babies all took place in 2014. In 2015, the support for elementary education in Syrian refugee camps, multicultural disabled children camps and scholarships for alternative schools for multicultural youths also took place.

The Tongil Group has 12 companies, including Ilhwa, the Segye Times, Ilsang Ocean Industries (The Ocean Resort), Sunwon Construction, Ilshin Stone, TIC, Shinjeong Special Vehicles, Seil Travel, JC, Seilo and Asian Ocean; and by gathering the round-off amount of 10,000 won from the salaries of Tongil Group employees every month, donation activities have been taking place since 2012.

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