March of 1986 |
041-530-2114(operation office), 041-530-2112(secretary's office), 041-530-2164(Team of general affairs) |
충청남도 아산시 탕정면 선문로221번길 70 (아산캠퍼스)
충청남도 천안시 동남구 천안대로 277 (천안탬퍼스)
www.sunmoon.ac.kr |
- Running affiliated institutions such as University Church, Social Service Center, University Museum, and Engineering Education Innovation Center.
- Running 34 research institutes such as World Peace Research Center, Institute for Researching Words, Next Generation Semiconductor Engineering Research Institute, Unification Theology Research Institute, Unification Thoughts Research Institute, Peace Culture Research Institute, Natural Science Research Institute, and Multi-cultural Policy Research Institute. |