[Newsis] Sun Jin Moon of World Headquarters Spoke Japanese Family F...
Japan holds a special place in the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. The first missionary was sent to Japan on July 15th, 1958. It was the first inter...
2014-10-09 | Hit 10389
[MBN 8:00PM News] Will the Korea-Japan Tunnel Finally Break Ground?
[MBN 8:00 News] Will the Korea-Japan Tunnel Finally Break Ground? [Click on the picture to watch the video broadcast] [Anchorman] Talk about an unde...
2014-10-09 | Hit 10613
[Aju Economics etc] Who are the Ballerinas that will be reincarnate...
[Aju Economics] Who are the Ballerinas that will be reincarnated as Choonhyang and Mong-ryong? Universal Ballet Holds Performance of “Choonhyang” on the 27th. ...
2014-10-09 | Hit 10315
[Newsis etc] Groundbreaking Held for the Investigative Shaft of the...
[Newsis: Korean News Agency] Groundbreaking Held for the Investigative Shaft of the Korea-Japan Undersea Tunnel of the International Highway Foundation “The G...
2014-10-09 | Hit 10550
[ShinDong-A:Nationwide Major Monthly Magazine] Breaking Free of Cri...
[ShinDong-A:Nationwide Major Monthly Magazine][Koreans of the World] Breaking Free of Criticism and Capturing the Interest of Americans through Peace Discussions A...
2014-10-09 | Hit 10317
[Newsis] Visualizing the Korea-Japan Undersea Tunnel, Ground Breaki...
A ground breaking ceremony for the investigative research on the Korea-Japan undersea tunnel will be held at Izuhara in Tsushima at 9:00 AM on September 11th. The even...
2014-09-04 | Hit 11424
[E-Today] Ilshin Stone is on the Rise as the Unification Church New...
Ilshin Stone is on the rise (1,195 won △20 1.7%) as the Korea-Japan Undersea Tunnel, a project of Rev. Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church, due ...
2014-09-04 | Hit 10945
[New Books] Founders who opened a new era (Family Federation Rev. S...
Publisher’s Review The founders who appear in this book, in their search for a breakthrough for their people of the Late Chosun Dynasty, underwent every imaginable su...
2014-09-04 | Hit 10346
[Culture Daily] “The Family Federation will restore the lost ‘Commu...
[Culture Daily] “The Family Federation will restore the lost ‘Community Culture.’ Family Federation Korean President Kyeung-Seuk Ryu “When the family...
2014-08-31 | Hit 10883
[Weekly Josun] (Interview) Who will be the first to receive the 1 b...
“Shouldn’t we give the prize to someone who everyone can agree deserves it?” Sunhak Peace Prize Council President and former Korea University Presi...
2014-08-31 | Hit 10844