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Title [MBN etc] ‘Peace Starts With Me’ FFWPU, Holds an Advancement Rally for European Peace
Date 2018-05-08 Hit 7543
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‘Peace Starts With Me’ FFWPU, Holds an Advancement Rally for European Peace

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon gave the Keynote Address

Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (Family Federation) held an Advancement Rally for European Peace on April 29, at 3:00 PM, in Vienna, Austria.

On this day, the theme of the rally was “Peace Starts With Me,” and the event was held at the famous Wiener Stadhalle, and opened with a concert performance.

More than 10,000 people, including former and current ministers, members of Parliament and various religious leaders from 60 countries, including Austria, England and Germany, attended the conference. It was the second official European peace conference following Reverend Sun Myung Moon’s Seonghwa.

In the keynote address, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon stated, “The European continent is a special continent God prepared. Religious figures and leaders representing Heavenly Africa  attended this event for the Heavenly European,” and that “Even though Europe’s modern civilization brought about monumental development in the science field, it brought along many problems, for it cannot guarantee human lives and the earth’s future.” She also added that, “We have reached our limit of human power.” She also stated that “Originally, humans are supposed to know what kind of existence the Creator of the Universe is to solve all the problems.”  

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon continued, “The Family Federation has a 50–year history in continental Europe. In order to liberate those who suffered under Communism, the first members of our movement went as missionaries, and those who knew God’s circumstances went out with their unchanging, absolute faith.” She also stated, “Even though in the past, Europe has built a self–centered culture and committed many mistakes, for they knew not the essence of Jesus Christ, they have now found out that the Creator is our Heavenly Parents,” and that “The time has come for us to fulfill our responsibilities to our Heavenly Parents who have longed for their children for 6,000 years with tears and hardships, and I wish for you to become the proud Europe who can go out and save the world, just like how the past ancestors went on to face the world in the name of Jesus Christ.”

 “It was difficult to achieve peace while having an official position,” stated Werner Pascalbendt, the former Australian Defense Minister referring to the introduction of the keynote speaker. He continued, “It took 10 years to plant a seed of peace to the once destroyed heart” and also stated, “I welcome Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who has been living for the sake of others, and has lived her whole life to find world peace on behalf of Vienna.”

On this day, the European Peace Rally proceeded as follows: Former Austrian Defense Minister Werner Pascalbendt’s introduction of the keynote speaker, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s keynote address, the presentation of flowers from the 3rd generation members who were born through the Blessing ceremony and greetings from Dr. Michael Balcomb, President of FFWPU-Europe.

Dr. Michael Balcomb, the president of FFWPU-Europe stated, “Peace starts with me, and if that number increases from 10 people to 100, and to 10,000, peace will be achieved in a bigger scale,” and encouraged the audience by saying that “Just like how human strength cannot keep spring from coming, we cannot keep peace, which God has been longing for, from arriving, and you are the protagonists of peace.”

Since last year, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon has been holding peace rally with more than 10,000 participants throughout the US, Japan, etc. The Family Federation is spreading the message of hope and life worldwide by lightening the footsteps of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who has devoted his entire life toward the realization of world peace and human welfare, until 2020, which will mark 100 years since his birth.

On the other hand, the European missionaries started when Reverend Sun Myung Moon chose 19 holy grounds in 1965 throughout 16 different countries, including England, Germany and France. After that, Reverend Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon held a joint wedding of eight couples from Europe in Germany on Marth 28, 1969. The joint weddings, which started in Korea in the year 1960 with 3 couples, started to spread throughout the US, Europe and Japan in 1969..... [See the original story]

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