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Title [JoongAng Monthly, June Issue] FFWPU Peace Rally held in Europe, Claiming peace in the center of Europe
Date 2018-06-23 Hit 7146
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[JoongAng Monthly, June Issue]

FFWPU Peace Rally held in Europe

Claiming peace in the center of Europe

A large-scale international event with 10,000 people from 60 nations was held on April 29…

Accelerating network expansion to the world by awaking Christian Civilization from deep sleep

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is touring around the world, holding large-scale Peace Rallies, to spread the message of “peace” throughout the world. We have covered the foundational history of FFWPU missionary work in Europe by observing this Peace Rally held in Vienna, Austria.

Co-founder of the FFWPU Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon gave an impromptu 30-minute speech without reading any draft, right after an 11-hour flight.


Stephansdom, located at the center of Vienna, Austria, is lively and always brimming with tourists from around the world. Although this Gothic cathedral has historically served as a sacred place to hold Mass, it has long since become a bustling tourist site, flashing with cameras and phones. The state religion in Austria is Catholicism. However, as is the case in other parts of Europe, Austria maintains its Christian culture, but the peoples’ faith in Christianity is rapidly declining. Although Europe was the starting point of Christianity, many cathedrals and churches have closed down in recent years. Young priests or ministers are rarely seen, and fewer people are getting baptized. Those who attend the Mass or church services are mostly the elderly. Likewise, the Christian civilization in Europe is in a deep sleep. However, another religious group is expanding its influence by awaking the Christian civilization in Europe. They are the Family Federation of World Peace and Unification (hereinafter referred to as the FFWPU), who are uniting the people of the world by promoting a universal and simple message of “peace,” rather than religious doctrines.


On April 29, at 3 p.m., the peace event was held at the Wiener Stadthalle, which is renowned for its 60-year history hosting concerts and performances. This expansive indoor concert hall boasting a capacity of 15,000, was nearly packed with attendees from around the globe. Former prime ministers, former and current government ministers and parliament members, religious leaders, scholars, women’s leaders, entrepreneurs, etc., from Austria, England, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, Denmark, Norway, Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Israel, etc., listened intently to the speech given by a religious leader who came all the way from Korea...... [See the original story]

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