Title | [Gangwon Domin Ilbo] A New Sports Leisure Facility, Yongpyong Luge Opens | |||
Date | 2018-07-21 | Hit | 16281 | |
File | 20180717160709_917.jpg [68kb] |
[Gangwon Domin Ilbo] “Slide down a 1,458m track and cool off the summer heat” A New Sports Leisure Facility, Yongpyong Luge Opens ▲ Yongpyong Resort recently opened a new sports facility named Yongpyong Luge where you can enjoy what is usually seen as a winter sport; sledding, during the summer season, down a luge track.
Yongpyong Resort recently opened a new sports facility called the Yongpyong Luge, where you can enjoy sledding during the summer season on luge tracks. People will slide down along the 1,458m track set up from the top of the Yongpyong Ski Resort’s pink slope to the bottom of the yellow slope. It is a sports recreation facility people of all ages can enjoy safely.
During the day time, but especially at night, the LED lights will be installed, and you can enjoy various night time views as you go down the luge tracks. Yongpyong Resort announced that the tracks of the recently-opened Yongpyong Luge, is the same length of 1,458m, as the above-sea-level height of the Barwangsan Mountain, which surrounds the Yongpyong Resort. It will be open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. year-round, and during the summer break season, from July 21 to August 18, it will be open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The entrance fee is 15,000 won, and discounts will be extended to people with Yongpyong Resort membership, guests and the people living in the Gangwon area..... [See the orginal story] |
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